For the last 25 years a group of hunters and gatherers have been camping at the Kentucky Pioneer Weapons Hunting Area near Cave Run Lake.  They are almost always male.  These camping expeditions usually coincide with the Deer Hunting and Turkey Hunting Seasons.  For the past ten years or so they have been organized by James I. Bowman.  He is chief cook and camp finder.  This photograph was taken in 1996 or '97.

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The group photograph and the many discussions around the campfire inspired the cartoon series "You know you are a wuss when...."  Here is an example :

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The hunting party was an organization and much like the Hatfield McCoy feud groups at the end of the last century.  It was a Clan type organization.   Not like the KKK or Ku Klux Klan.  But like the Clan groups that remain today in many countries.

We are heavily conditioned to believe that only a Democracy will work.  We are taught in the Public and private educational institutions that this is our only alternative.  This is conditioned into us because Democracy allows 51% the opportunity to abuse the other 49%.  Democracy is a major tool of capitalism since capitalism requires that someone gets abused.

There are alternatives other than the obvious ones such as Socialism and Communism.  One of these alternatives is Clan rule.  With Clan rule there is a leader.  He is the leader because he sacrifices the most for the group.  He doesn't inherit his position as a King or Queen would.  He isn't elected.  He is essentially defaulted into the position because he is willing to sacrifice the most for the group.  With Clan rule there is verbal descent but it is a unanamous decision within the clan when a decision is made.  This is not the Democracy where only 51% have to agree.  All have to agree.

This Clan rule is not the only possiblility.  In pre communist Russia there was a system called the mir.  This is not hidden knowledge.   The simple fact is that contemporary education will only teach you what it wants you to know.  Here is a passage from Contemporary Socialism, Charles, Scribner's Sons, New York, page 262, copyright in 1894 (yes it was written in more than 100 years ago) by John Rae;

  All Russian draw a kindly and charming picture of the mir, the rude village council, in which the heads of families have for ages managed their common land, distributed their taxes, and settled all the burning problems of the hamlet with remarkable freedom, fairness, and mutual respect.  They meet together on some open space ---perhaps in front of the tavern, which is itself one of their common possessions; they beat out their question there till they are unanimous; for the mir will know nothing of decision by majorities --the will of the mir is believed to be the will of God Himself, and it must be no divided counsel.  They argue sometimes long and keenly, and as their interest waxes they will raise many vices at once, or perhaps break up into separate groups, each discussing the subject apart; but presently out of all the apparent disorder, the acceptable decision is somehow fund, and peace reigns again in the village street.  In these meetings they have the deepest feeling and habit of freedom; and even when a political question arises affecting their interests -- a question of taxes or of administration -- they make no scruple to speaking the plainest terms of Government and the officials, and they are never interfered with.   "Nobody but God," they say "dare judge the mir," and the Czar, at any rate, respects the tradition.


to be continued.......