College 1969-73

I started out very Right Wing when I enrolled in Eastern Kentucky University.  I had accepted the conditioning of of media and the government without question.  As a freshman in college I changed.  I realized that I believed what I did only because someone or group of people made me believe that way so they would be better off economically. 

I edited my first underground paper the EKU Prophet and then my second the Eastern Kenucky University Cybernoid.

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I, wearing my Army field jacket, with copies of the EKU Prophet in the background. Around 1970

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From the Mt. Vernon Signal

On April 29th of 1970 I was involved in a shoot-out with the Masons.   It had started while I was in the Army.  They claimed ownership of Grandfather Isaac Bowman's land.  Since Dad was closest to the conflict he got more involved. I tried to avoid the conflict since I really didn't know what was going on.  It all came to a head on April 29th when I saw the Mason's construction truck at the Supertest service station and pulled in with my shotgun.

I was indited for something like attempted murder but the Masons would not testify against me and the charges were dropped.

I remember well how the Judge tried to get the Mason's to testify but they refused. 

The dispute was over and Grandfather Isaac kept his land.  Now thirty years later none of the original owners nor relatives own the contested land.

I look back in retrospect and I know that it was a war about honor and not land.   It was that extended family that capitalism was in the process of destroying.

The Cybernoid was named because it means human like machines.  There is irony here also. These were the years when I secured my honor and at the same time became the machine like creature. 

To be continued.....